Areas of Focus

Fine Motor Skills
Coordinating movement using the small muscles in the hands and fingers. (i.e. buttoning a shirt)

Forming legible letters using an efficient grasp and ergonomic seated posture.

Visual Perceptual Skills
The ability to interpret and organize what is seen and give it meaning. (i.e. completing a jigsaw puzzle)

Visual Motor Skills
Coordinating our eyes with our hands to perform various tasks. (i.e. cutting along a line)

Bilateral Coordination
Coordinating both sides of the body to complete motor tasks. (i.e. tying shoes)

Upper Body Strength & Postural Control
Exerting adequate force against gravity and other objects to control the body’s positioning, particularly that of the trunk, shoulder girdle, arm, and hand. (i.e. squeezing resistive tongs; sitting upright while sliding down a slide)

Sensory Integration
The brain’s ability to process and organize sensory input received from our 5 senses in order to participate in everyday activities.

Self-Help Skills
Everyday activities of daily living such as: dressing, feeding, grooming, bathing, and toileting.

Emotional Regulation Skills
The ability to modulate emotions to match the social context. (i.e. controlling an impulse to yell while in a library despite feeling frustrated)

Attention Skills
The ability to choose and concentrate on relevant material.

Executive Functioning Skills
A set of cognitive skills that enable us to plan, recall, monitor, organize, attend, persevere. (i.e. packing a backpack)

Community Navigation
The ability to safely and efficiently navigate the environment in order to participate in activities in a safe and timely manner. (i.e. walking to the local grocery store)

Pre-vocational/Vocational Skills
Skills required to enter the workforce and maintain a job. (i.e. time management skills, problem solving skills)

Travel Training
Short-term, intensive instruction designed to teach people with disabilities how to use public transportation safely and independently in order to get between two locations. (i.e. to attend appointments or other recurring activities)

Environmental Modification
Adapting environments such as schools and homes to allow for increased independence for those with disabilities.